
    limit_duration=10 * 60 * 24,

Reshape event log data for animation purposes.

This function processes an event log to create a series of snapshots at regular time intervals, suitable for creating animations of patient flow through a system.


Name Type Description Default
event_log pd.DataFrame The input event log containing patient events and timestamps. required
every_x_time_units int The time interval between snapshots in minutes (default is 10). 10
limit_duration int The maximum duration to consider in minutes (default is 10 days). 10 * 60 * 24
step_snapshot_max int The maximum number of patients to include in each snapshot for each event (default is 50). 50
debug_mode bool If True, print debug information during processing (default is False). False


Name Type Description
DataFrame A reshaped DataFrame containing snapshots of patient positions at regular time intervals, sorted by minute and event.


  • The function creates snapshots of patient positions at specified time intervals.
  • It handles patients who are present in the system at each snapshot time.
  • Patients are ranked within each event based on their arrival order.
  • A maximum number of patients per event can be set to limit the number of patients who will be displayed on screen within any one event type at a time.
  • An ‘exit’ event is added for each patient at the end of their journey.
  • The function uses memory management techniques (del and gc.collect()) to handle large datasets.


  • Add behavior for when limit_duration is None.
  • Consider adding ‘first step’ and ‘last step’ parameters.
  • Implement pathway order and precedence columns.
  • Fix the automatic exit at the end of the simulation run for all patients.