
utils.CustomResource(self, env, capacity, id_attribute=None)

A custom resource class that extends simpy.Resource with an additional ID attribute.

This class allows for more detailed tracking and management of resources in a simulation by adding an ID attribute to each resource instance.


Name Type Description Default
env simpy.Environment The SimPy environment in which this resource exists. required
capacity int The capacity of the resource (how many units can be in use simultaneously). required
id_attribute any An identifier for the resource (default is None). None


Name Type Description
id_attribute any An identifier for the resource, which can be used for custom tracking or logic.


This class inherits from simpy.Resource and overrides the request and release methods to allow for custom handling of the id_attribute. The actual implementation of ID assignment or reset logic should be added by the user as needed.


env = simpy.Environment()
custom_resource = CustomResource(env, capacity=1, id_attribute="Resource_1")
def process(env, resource):
    with resource.request() as req:
        yield req
        print(f"Using resource with ID: {resource.id_attribute}")
        yield env.timeout(1)
env.process(process(env, custom_resource))

Using resource with ID: Resource_1


Name Description
release Release the resource.
request Request the resource.


utils.CustomResource.release(*args, **kwargs)

Release the resource.

This method can be customized to handle the ID attribute when a release is made. Currently, it simply calls the parent class’s release method.


Name Type Description


utils.CustomResource.request(*args, **kwargs)

Request the resource.

This method can be customized to handle the ID attribute when a request is made. Currently, it simply calls the parent class’s request method.


Name Type Description
simpy.events.Request A SimPy request event.