55 Exercise 5: DEStiny’s Child
It’s time to enhance our DES app a bit!
Take a copy of your original version first and store it somewhere safe!
Do these steps in the order listed, and take the time to make sure it’s working after each step.
Add a run button
Split your code out into separate files for the web app and the DES classes, then import the DES classes where you need them and update how the g class values are set
Turn your app into a multipage app
- Make the first page give a brief explanation of what the app actually is
- Make the second page allow people to run the simulation
55.1 Bonus Tasks
Add the HSMA logo to your app (it’s provided in the exercise_2 folder)
Create a custom colourscheme for your app using a config.toml file in a .streamlit subfolder
Import the file style.css into your app to change the font of your app