41  Persisting data between sessions


This section is a work in progress - it will be enhanced further with detailed instructions at a later date

Because of how Streamlit apps run when deployed on something like Streamlit cloud or an alternative platform like Heroku - data you write to something like a csv in a relative folder to your app will not persist indefinitely.

This means that for some apps you may find yourself in the situation of needing a place to read and write from outside of the Streamlit ecosystem.

41.1 TiDB cloud

Here are some details from the Kailo dashboard project on how TiDB cloud was used for this purpose.

Documentation Code example


TiDB cloud has been certified to a range of standards including SOC 1 Type 2, SOC 2 Type 2, SOC 3, ISO 27001, ISO 27701, PCI DSS, GDPR, and HIPAA standards and requirements.

However, you should still consult with all relevant departments in your organisation before using it for any data of a sensitive nature.

41.2 Supabase

Supabase has been confirmed recently as a working option. A code example will follow shortly.

41.3 Google Sheets

41.3.1 Reading

Public google sheets can be easily read from using the st-gsheets-connection extension.


This app shows an example of reading from a google sheet.

In this example app, the URL to the sheet is stored inside a secrets.toml file, which is stored in a .streamlit folder when running locally and would generally not be committed to github.

When deploying this to the community cloud, you click into ‘advanced settings’ when deploying your app and paste the contents of the secrets file there.

41.3.2 App Code

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_gsheets import GSheetsConnection # this doesn't exist in the hsma_webdev environment
# would need to be installed with
# !pip install st-gsheets-connection

# Confirm access to the secrets file
st.write("The secret word is:", st.secrets["test_secret"])

# Create a connection object.
conn = st.connection("gsheets", type=GSheetsConnection)

# Passing in 'Sheet1' returns a '400 resource not found error'
# Passing in the index of the sheet as an integer works!
df = conn.read(worksheet=0)


41.3.3 Example secrets file

test_secret = "llama"

spreadsheet = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IrzMP1httjxBFOSmTQGKg-V7Uzpw06YkPCeP7YimSQE/edit?usp=sharing"

If deploying to community cloud, you will also need to provide a requirements.txt file containing the following line (plus any other packages you require):


41.3.4 Writing + Private Sheets

To either read from a private sheet, or write to a public or private sheet, you will need to undertake some additional steps using the Google

41.3.5 App Code

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_gsheets import GSheetsConnection # this doesn't exist in the hsma_webdev environment
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
# would need to be installed with
# !pip install st-gsheets-connection

# Confirm access to the secrets file
st.write("The secret word is:", st.secrets["test_secret"])

# Create a connection object.
conn = st.connection("gsheets", type=GSheetsConnection)

# Passing in 'Sheet1' returns a '400 resource not found error'
# Passing in the index of the sheet as an integer works!
df = conn.read(worksheet=0, ttl=0)
st.dataframe(df.sort_values("Added", ascending=False))

if st.button("Update worksheet"):
    # Update the dataframe before overwriting in case any actions have been undertaken since the user first loaded the page
    df = conn.read(worksheet=0, ttl=0)

    # Generate an additional data field
    units = random.randint(100, 5000)
    unit_cost = np.round((random.random() + random.randint(1, 10)), 2)

    additional_row = [
        {'Item': "Additional HSMA Merchandise",
        "Category": random.choice(["Stickers", "Pets", "Clothing", "Mugs"]),
        "Units": units,
        "Unit Cost": unit_cost,
        "Total": units * unit_cost,
        "Added": datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")

    df_updated = pd.concat(

    df = conn.update(

    # st.dataframe(df.sort_values("Added", ascending=False))

41.3.6 Example Secrets File


The credentials in this code snippet aren’t real - this is just to give you an idea of the file structure.

Full details of how to populate this file for your spreadsheet can be found in the Streamlit GSheetsConnection readme.

test_secret = "llama"

spreadsheet = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IrzMP1httjxBFOSmTQGKg-V7Uzpw06YkPCeP7YimSQE/edit?usp=sharing"
type = "service_account"
project_id = "streamlit-test-1-437411"
private_key_id = "ae7269b75e7631f5f0886cc15a74165e7c1f2f4b"
private_key = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nVhWqHMNXme27/cBgEGLesu4e\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
client_email = "hsma-test@streamlit-test-1-437411.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
client_id = "116859493615236501584"
auth_uri = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth"
token_uri = "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token"
auth_provider_x509_cert_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs"
client_x509_cert_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/hsma-test%40streamlit-test-1-437411.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
universe_domain = "googleapis.com"

If deploying to community cloud, you will also need to provide a requirements.txt file containing the following line (plus any other packages you require):


41.4 Writing to an internal database

For an internal tool that is deployed on internal server infrastructure, you may wish to write to an existing database in your organisation.

Streamlit provides details around how to do this with a range of providers, such as Microsoft SQL Server

Details for different databases can be found here: https://docs.streamlit.io/develop/tutorials/databases